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The Story of an African Farm, a novel by Olive Schreiner
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"We must see the first images which the external world casts upon the dark
mirror of his mind; or must hear the first words which awaken the sleeping
powers of thought, and stand by his earliest efforts, if we would
understand the prejudices, the habits, and the passions that will rule his
life. The entire man is, so to speak, to be found in the cradle of the

Alexis de Tocqueville.



Several Dutch and Colonial words occurring in this work, the subjoined
Glossary is given, explaining the principal.

Alle wereld! - Gosh!
Aasvogels - Vultures.
Benauwdheid - Indigestion.
Brakje - A little cur of low degree.
Bultong - Dried meat.
Coop - Hide and Seek.
Inspan - To harness.
Kapje - A sun-bonnet.
Karoo - The wide sandy plains in some parts of South Africa.
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