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True Love's Reward by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
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"What are you sitting up for, and arrayed in that style?" she
ungraciously demanded.

"I thought you would need help in undressing, and I put on this loose
wrapper because it was more comfortable than any other dress," Mona
answered, as she regarded the lady with some surprise, for she had never
before quite so curtly addressed her.

Mrs. Montague did not pursue the subject, and Mona patiently assisted her
in taking off her finery, hanging the rich dress carefully over a form,
folding her dainty laces, and arranging her jewels in their cases.

"Can I do anything more for you?" she asked, when this was done.


"At what time shall I come to you in the morning?" the fair girl
inquired, without appearing to heed the uncivil monosyllable.

"Not before nine o'clock; but you can mend that rip in my traveling suit
before that, as we shall go back to New York on the eleven o'clock

"Very well; good-night," Mona said, with gentle politeness, as she turned
to leave the room.

"Stop a moment, Ruth," Mrs. Montague commanded.

Mona turned back, flushing slightly at the woman's imperiousness.

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