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The Third and Last Part of Conny-Catching. (1592) - With the new deuised knauish arte of Foole-taking by R. G.
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they might praie vppon the goods of honest Citizens, and so by their
spoyle inrich themselues. At that time liued likewise a worthie
Gentleman, whose many verie famius deeds (wherof I am sorie I may here
make no rehearsal, because neither time nor occasion will permitte me)
renowne his name to all ensuing posterities: he, being called sir
_Richard Whittington_, the founder of Whittington Colledge in
London, and one that bare the office of Lord Maior of this Citie three
seuerall times. This worthie man wel noting the dangerous disposition
of that idle kinde of people, tooke such good and discreete order
(after hee had sent diuers of them to serue in the kings warres, and
they loath to doe so well returned to their former vomite) that in no
place of or about London they might haue lodging, or entertainment,
except they applied themselues to such honest trades and exercises, as
might witnesse their maintaining was by true and honest meanes. If any
to the contrarie were founde, they were in iustice so sharply
proceeded against, as the most hurtfull and dangerous enemies to the

In this quiet and most blissefull time of peace, when all men (in
course of life) should shew themselves most thankfull for so great a
benefit, this famous citie is pestered with the like, or rather worse
kinde of people, that beare outward shew of ciuill, honest, and
gentlemanlike disposition, but in very deed their behauiour is most
infamous to be spoken of. And as now by their close villanies they
cheate, cosen, prig, lift, nippe, and such like tricks now vsed in
their _Conie-catching_ Trade, to the hurt and vndoing of many an
honest Citizen, and other: So if God should in iustice be angrie with
vs, as our wickednesse hath well deserued, and (as the Lorde forsend)
our peace should be molested as in former time, euen as they did, so
will these be the first in seeking domesticall spoile and ruine: yea
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