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Lippincott's Magazine Of Popular Literature And Science, Old Series, Vol. 36—New Series, Vol. 10, July 1885 by Various
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Dieu Dispose, _Nathan Clifford Brown_
Drama in the Nursery, The, _Norman Pearson_
Eye of a Needle, The, _Sophie Swett_
Ferryman's Fee, The, _Margaret Vandegrift_
Fishing in Elk River, _Tobe Hodge_
Forest Beauty, A, _Maurice Thompson_
Friend George Randall, My, _Frank Parke_
Grant, General, at Frankfort, _Alfred E. Lee_
Hoosier Idyl, A, _Louise Coffin Jones_
In a Suppressed Tuscan Monastery, _Kate Johnston Matson_
Lady Lawyer's First Client, The, _Thomas Wharton_ ,
Letters and Reminiscences of Charles Reade ,_Kinahan Cornwallis_
"Mees", _Charles Dunning_
Mickley, Joseph J., _J. Bunting_
Muster-Day in New England, _Frederick G. Mather_
New York Libraries, _Charles Burr Todd_
Next Vacation, The, _Alice Wellington Rollins_
North-River Ferry, A, _F.N. Zabriskie_
Nos Pensions
On this Side, _F.C. Baylor_
Parisian *, The, _Theodore Child_
P* of Archaeology, The, _Ernest Ingersoll_ *
* the Short-Story, The, _Brander Matthews_ *
* Southwest, The; _Edmund Kirke_ *
*t, A, _Margaret Vandegrift_ *
*ple, The, _M.H. Catherwood_ *
* or Free Classic Architecture, _George C. Mason, Jr._ *
*t, A, _C.W. Wilmerding_ *
*ning, _W.W. Crane_ *
* Yesterday and To-Day, _Alice King Hamilton_ *
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