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The Cave in the Mountain - A Sequel to In the Pecos Country / by Lieut. R. H. Jayne by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 2 of 207 (00%)
V. Mining and Countermining
VI. A Daring Exploit
VII. Fishing for a Friend
VIII. Fishing for a Prize
IX. Groping in Darkness
X. "Here We are Again!"
XI. Through the Mountains
XII. Through the Mountains--Continued
XIII. In the Nick of Time
XIV. Between Two Fires
XV. On the Defensive
XVI. Friend or Enemy?
XVII. Fortunate Diversion
XVIII. An Old Acquaintance
XIX. How it was Done
XX. Sut's Camp-Fire
XXI. Safety and Sleep
XXII. Two Old Acquaintances
XXIII. Border Chivalry
XXIV. Night Visitors
XXV. Hunting a Steed
XXVI. Lone Wolf's Tactics
XXVII. The End


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