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The Wheel of Life by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
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PART I. Impulse

I. In Which the Romantic Hero is Conspicuous by His Absence
II. Treats of an Eccentric Family
III. Apologises for an Old-fashioned Atmosphere
IV. Ushers in the Modern Spirit
V. In Which a Young Man Dreams Dreams
VI. Shows That Mr. Worldly-Wise-Man May Belong to Either Sex
VII. The Irresistible Force
VIII. Proves That a Poor Lover May Make an Excellent Friend
IX. Of Masques and Mummeries
X. Shows the Hero to Be Lacking in Heroic Qualities
XI. In Which a Lie Is the Better Part of Truth

PART II. Illusion

I. Of Pleasure as the Chief End of Man
II. An Advance and a Retreat
III. The Moth and the Flame
IV. Treats of the Attraction of Opposites
V. Shows the Dangers as Well as the Pleasures of the Chase
VI. The Finer Vision
VII. In Which Failure Is Crowned By Failure
VIII. "The Small Old Path"
IX. The Triumph of the Ego
X. In Which Adams Comes Into His Inheritance
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