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The Art of Soul-Winning by J.W. Mahood
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Never was there such great need for a mighty, Pentecostal revival in all
our Churches; and the key to such a revival is earnest personal work.
But the membership of the Churches are not prepared to enter upon this
work. Multitudes know nothing of a personal Pentecost. Many are utterly
indifferent. They do not realize their opportunity and responsibility
before God. If they did, the revival would come at once.

With the hope that many professing Christians may be awakened to duty,
and hear God's call to personal work in soul-winning, this little volume
is written.

Let the pastor see that a copy is put into every home one month previous
to the time set for special revival-meetings. Let him secure a pledge
from the people to read the study for each day, commit the memory
verses, and meditate upon the Scripture suggested.

Once each week, either at a special meeting appointed for this purpose,
at the week-night prayer-meeting, or at the young people's devotional
meeting Sunday evening, let the studies for the week be reviewed and the
memory verses recited. Short talks may also be given on each topic by
persons previously selected.

When the entire Church membership shall begin to think and speak upon
these vital themes; when the spirit of grace and supplication shall take
the place of formality and worldly desire; when the Holy Ghost of
Pentecost shall come upon the waiting, praying Church, then the times of
refreshing will be sure to come from the presence of the Lord, and the
perishing multitudes will be saved.
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