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The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
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To the reder.

Amongest the writinges of all men, dearly belouyd
reder, not onely of the diuersyte of tongues, but also
the noble drawghts of so artificyall paynted figures,
whiche haue so lyuely expressed to ye quycke ymage, the
nature, ordre, & proporcyon of all states, as
concernynge the gouernaunce of a Christen comêwealthe,
that ther is (as I suppose) no parte of the scripture,
which is not so enpowndyde, furnysshed, and set forthe,
but that euery Christen man, therby may lerne his dewty
to god, hys prynce, and hys nebure, and so consequently
passe thourough the strayte pathe of the whiche
scripture doth testyfye vpõ, very fewe can fynde ye
entrye, wherby thorough faythe in the redêptyon of the
worlde thorowe ye bloode of Christe the sone of god, to
rayne || with the father and the holy goste eternally,
accordynge to the promyse of Christe, sayinge. In my
fathers hawse ther be many placys to dwell in, we wyll
come to hym and make a mansyon place with hym and I
haue and shall open thy name vnto them, that the same
loue with the whiche thou louydest me, may be in theym,
and I in thê, and thys is the kyngdome of god so often
mouyd to vs in holy scripture, whiche all faythfull
shall possesse and inheret for euermore: where as ye
vnfaythfull, vnryghtswye, and synner shall not entre in
to the kyngdome of god, bycause, of chaûgynge the glory
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