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Down the Chimney by Shepherd Knapp
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pervaded by the Christmas spirit. I hope that this play does not
entirely fail to meet these requirements.

Worcester, Mass.


* * * * *

Down the Chimney

The First Scene

_Now the curtain opens, and you see the Roof of a House, just as
Mother Goose promised. Keep your eyes open to see what will happen next,
for here comes_ JACK FROST, _who is dressed all in white. He walks
with a quick and nimble step, and this is what he says_:

Would you believe from the look of things, that to-morrow is Christmas?
There is not a flake of snow anywhere. This roof is as clear as it is
in summer. These pine trees, whose boughs hang over the roof, are all
green. The chimney has not even an icicle on it. I hear people saying
that we have no old-fashioned winters any more. Even old Mother Cary
said to me the other day, "Jack Frost," said she, "when are you going
to give them a real snow-storm?" But I told her not to be impatient:
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