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Up the Chimney by Shepherd Knapp
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Up The Chimney





This play is intended, not only for acting, but also for reading.
It is so arranged that boys and girls can read it to themselves, just
as they would read any other story. Even the stage directions and the
descriptions of scenery are presented as a part of the narrative.
At the same time, by the use of different styles of type, the speeches
of the characters are clearly distinguished from the rest of the text,
an arrangement which will be found convenient when parts are being
memorized for acting.

The play has been acted more than once, and by different groups of
people; sometimes on a stage equipped with footlights, curtain, and
scenery; sometimes with barely any of these aids. Practical suggestions
as to costumes, scenery, and some simple scenic effects will be found
at the end of the play.

What sort of a Christmas play do the boys and girls like, and in what
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