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A Spray of Kentucky Pine by George Douglass Sherley
page 3 of 23 (13%)
On Grateful Commemoration
Of Her Eighty-Fifth Birthday
August 20, 1916

The Prelude

--A Note Explanatory--

With James Whitcomb Riley,
some years ago. This Man From Down On The Farm,
made a Reading Tour, of--in Population--more than
one-half of this Imperial Republic, including
the Cream of the Canadian Provinces.
Of that Tour, at some other time, in some more
leisurely hour, he desires, if able, to make
a full and faithful Record.
This, is but a humble Spray of Kentucky Pine,
placed at the feet of the Dead Poet!

According to a long established Custom,
the Man, in some way, in private print--
--for the Relative, for the Friend, for the Stranger too--
quietly Celebrates the various Red-Letter Days, of the
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