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Poems - A Message of Hope by Mary Alice Walton
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Until the Cross was pearly hue.

Unnumbered are the pearls and fair,
If burdens of the weary share;
And deeply wrought with threads of gold,
If smiles of peace suppress our woe.

To help Thee, Christ, in saving world,
Forgetting self is rarest pearl,
That brightly glows when righting wrong,
Assisting souls in Thee grow strong.

The Cross that Thou so freely bare
Is covered o'er with pearls of prayer;
On Cross of Love all hopes are stayed,
Each time it's kissed a pearl's inlaid.

~The Solitary Lament.~

The terrors of night have fallen on me,
The shadow of forms no longer I see,
Eyes that have lingered on objects of light
Are now ever closed by day and by night;
As time passes on I shed bitter tears,
Wearily waiting these many long years,
Oftentimes waking from dreaming to find
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