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The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf - A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The - Scandinavian Countries by Oscar Ludvig Olson
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_Ant. Tid._--_Antiquarisk Tidsskrift._

_Beow._--_Beowulf._ The line numbering used is that of A.J. Wyatt's

_Beow._, Child--_Beowulf and the Finnesburh Fragment_, translated by
C.G. Child, 1904.

_Beow. Stud._--_Beowulf-Studien_, by Gregor Sarrazin, 1888.

_Beow. Unt._--_Beowulf, Untersuchungen_, by Bernhard ten Brink, 1888.

_Beow. Unt. Ang._--_Beowulf, Untersuchungen über das angelsächsische
Epos und die älteste Geschichte der germanischen Seevölker_, by Karl
Müllenhoff, 1889.

_Camb. Hist. Lit._--_The Cambridge History of English Literature._

_Chron._--_Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland_, by Raphael
Holinshed, edition of 1808.

_Helt._--_Danmarks Heltedigtning_, by Axel Otrik, vol. I, 1903; vol. II,

_Dan. Nor. Rig._--_Danske og norske Riger paa de britiske Öer i
Danevældens Tidsalder_, by Johannes C.H. Steenstrup, 1882.

_Eng. Nov._--_The Development of the English Novel_, by Wilbur L. Cross,
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