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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, July 24, 1841 by Various
page 4 of 69 (05%)

_Pump_ Court.

P.S.--Permit me to congratulate you on the determination you have come to,
of entering the literary world. Your modesty may be alarmed, but I must
tell you that several of our "popular and talented" authors are commonly
thought to be greatly indebted to you. They are said to derive valuable
hints from you, particularly in their management of the pathetic.

Keep a strict eye upon your wife, Judith. You say she will superintend your
notices of the fashions, &c.; but I fear she has been already too long and
exclusively employed on certain newspapers and other periodicals. Her style
is not easily mistaken.

* * * * *


The Whigs must go: to reign instead
The Tories will be call'd;
The Whigs should ne'er be at the head--
_Dear me, I'm getting bald_!

The Whigs! they pass'd that Poor Law Bill;
That's true, beyond a doubt;
The poor they've treated very ill--
_There, kick that beggar out_!

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