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Sea and Shore - A Sequel to "Miriam's Memoirs" by Mrs. Catharine A. Warfield
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little peculiarities of style--one or two 'bits' of painting--and then
you pull on your seven-leagued boots and away you go."

_From George Ripley's Review of "The Household of Bouverie" in Harper's

"'The Household of Bouverie,' by Mrs. Warfield, is a wonderful book. I
have read it twice--the second time more carefully than the first--and I
use the term 'wonderful,' because it best expresses the feeling
uppermost in my mind, both while reading and thinking it over. As a
piece of imaginative writing, I have seen nothing to equal it since the
days of Edgar A. Poe, and I doubt whether he could have sustained
himself and the readers through a book half the size of the 'Household
of Bouverie.' I have literally hurried through it by my intense
sympathy, my devouring curiosity--It was more than interest. I read
everywhere--between the courses of the hotel-table, on the boat, in the
cars--until I had swallowed the last line. This is no common occurrence
with a veteran romance reader like myself."

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