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The Child's World - Third Reader by W.K. Tate Sarah Withers Hetty Browne
page 2 of 209 (00%)
Modern teachers of reading, however, recognize the saving of time and
effort to be accomplished for both their pupils and themselves by the
use of cards, chart, and manual, and look to the publisher to provide
these accessories in convenient form and at moderate cost.

The following aids are therefore offered in the belief that they will
make the work of the teacher, trained or untrained, more effective.

Child's World Reader Charts......................$6.00
(10 beautiful charts in colors 27x37--20 lessons)

Child's World Manual.............................75c
(Suggestions and outlines for first 5 grades)

Child's World Word Cards........................$1.00
(129 cards--258 words in Primer vocabulary)

Child's World Phrase Cards........................75c
(48 cards--96 phrases)

Child's World Phonic Cards...................80c
(80 cards printed both sides)


Richmond, Virginia.

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