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The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 1 of 2) - Including Public Addresses, Her Own Letters and Many From Her - Contemporaries During Fifty Years by Ida Husted Harper
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the question is presented, should it be published during his lifetime?
A reason analogous to that which justifies the writing, demands also
the publication, in order that denials or attacks may be met by the
person who, above all others, is best qualified to defend the original
statement. It seems a pity, too, that he should be deprived of knowing
what the press and the people think of the story of his life, since
there is no assurance that he will meet the book-reviewers in the next

These volumes may claim the merit of truthfully describing the
principal events of Miss Anthony's life and presenting her opinions on
the various matters considered. She has objected to the eulogies, but
the writer holds that, as these are not the expressions of a partial
biographer but the spontaneous tributes of individuals and newspapers,
no rule of good taste is violated in giving them a place. It is only
justice that, since the abuse and ridicule of early years are fully
depicted, esteem and praise should have equal prominence; and surely
every one will read with pleasure the proof that the world's scorn and
repudiation have been changed to respect and approval. Many letters of
women have been used to disprove the assertion so often made, that
women themselves do not properly estimate the labors of Miss Anthony in
their behalf. It can not be expected that the masses should understand
or appreciate her work, but the written evidence herein submitted will
demonstrate that the women of each decade most prominent in
intellectual ability, in philanthropy, in reform, those who represent
the intelligence and progress of the age, have granted to it the most
cordial and thorough recognition.

There has not been the slightest attempt at rhetorical display, but
only an endeavor to tell in plain, simple language the story of the
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