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The Life of Columbus by Sir Arthur Helps
page 1 of 188 (00%)
Transcribers Notes:

Several non-English proper names have been rendered in ASCI, omitting the
proper accents.

Page headers have been moved to the beginning of the appropriate paragraph
and several very long paragraphs have been split to correspond to the page
headers. See the DOC or PDF versions for the original pagination and map

The following glossary provides references and definitions of unfamiliar
(to me) terms and names.

Governor or commander. Refers to Don Bartholomew Columbus (brother of
Christopher) in this volume.

Angelic Doctor:
Thomas Aquinas

In Spanish-speaking countries, a weight of about 25 pounds.
In Portuguese-speaking countries, about 32 pounds.

Anything whatever.

Bartholomew Columbus
Brother of Christopher Columbus.

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