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In the Days of Poor Richard by Irving Bacheller
page 3 of 392 (00%)
II Sowing the Dragon's Teeth
III The Journey to Philadelphia
IV The Crossing
V Jack Sees London and the Great Philosopher
VI The Lovers
VII The Dawn
VIII An Appointment and a Challenge
IX The Encounter
X The Lady of the Hidden Face
XI The Departure
XII The Friend and the Girl He Left Behind Him


XIII The Ferment
XIV Adventures in the Service of the Commander-in-Chief
XV In Boston Jail
XVI Jack and Solomon Meet the Great Ally
XVII With the Army and in the Bush
XVIII How Solomon Shifted the Skeer
XIX The Voice of a Woman Sobbing
XX The First Fourth of July
XXI The Ambush
XXII The Binkussing of Colonel Burley
XXIII The Greatest Trait of a Great Commander


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