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The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle - Or, The Strange Cruise of the Steam Yacht by Edward Stratemeyer
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For a number of years Tom, Dick and Sam have attended a military
academy, but now their school days at Putnam Hall are at an end, and
we find them getting ready to go to college. But before leaving home
for the higher seat of learning they take a remarkable cruise on a
steam yacht, searching for an island upon which it is said a large
treasure is hidden. They are accompanied on this trip by their father
and a number of friends, and have several adventures somewhat out of
the ordinary, and also a good bit of fun for there is bound to be fun
when Tom Rover is around. They lose themselves and lose their yacht,
and once some of them come pretty close to losing their lives, but in
the end--well, the story will tell the rest.

I cannot close without again thanking my many friends for all the nice
things they have said about the "Rover Boys" stories and the "Putnam
Hall" stories. I trust the present volume will fulfill every fair

Affectionately and sincerely yours,


I Bound For Home
II An Important Telegram
III Fun On The Farm
IV A Midnight Search
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