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The Testimony of the Bible Concerning the Assumptions of Destructive Criticism by S. E. Wishard
page 2 of 77 (02%)

--_Phil 1:7_


Los Angeles, Calif.


_This booklet is sent out
To all Sabbath-school teachers,
To the young people of the Christian churches,
And to all believers in the living Word_.

* * * * *

The work of the destructive critics has been widely disseminated in
current literature. Magazines, secular newspapers, and some religious
papers are giving currency to these critical attacks on the Word of God.
The young people of our churches are exposed to the insidious poison of
this skepticism. It comes to them under the guise of a broader and more
liberal scholarship. They have neither the time nor the equipment to
enter the field of criticism, nor is this work demanded of them.

While abler pens are meeting and answering the questions raised by
destructive critics, something may be said that will clear away the fog
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