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Poker! by Zora Neale Hurston
page 3 of 7 (42%)
Five spot means five years you played me for a clown
Six spot means six feet of earth when the deal goes down
Now I'm holding the seven spot for each day of the week
Eight means eight hours that she Sheba-ed with your Sheik--
Nine spot means nine hours that I work hard every day--
Ten spot means tenth of every month I brought you home my pay--
The Jack is three-card Charlie who played me for a goat
The Queen, that's my pretty Mama, also trying to cut my throat--
The King stands for Sweet Papa Nunkie and he's goin' to wear the crown,
So be careful you all ain't broke when the deal goes down!
(He laughs--X'es to table, bringing
piano stool for seat)

Aw now, brother, two dollars for your seat before you try to sit in this

(Laughs sheepishly--puts money
down--TUSH HAWG pushes stack of chips
toward him. Bus.)
I didn't put it down because I knew you all goin' to be puttin' it right
back in my pocket.

Aw, Y'all go ahead and play.
(TUSH HAWG begins to deal for draw
poker. The game gets tense. SACK
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