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Safe Marriage - A Return to Sanity by Ettie A. Rout
page 2 of 63 (03%)
| _Crown 8vo. 447 pages. 15s. net. Weight 2 lbs. Inland |
| postage, 9d._ |
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| This book is addressed on the one hand to those who would |
| prevent venereal disease in themselves, and on the other, to |
| those who would prevent it in the community. |
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| _Lancet._--"A powerfully written and valuable volume." |
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| _The Medical Press._--"We _positively assert_ that it is the |
| duty of every medical man to _master_ its contents." |
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| LONDON: WM. HEINEMANN (Medical Books) Ltd. |
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The French Government has bestowed the premier decoration for
women, The Reconnaissance Française, upon Miss Ettie Rout, of the
New Zealand Volunteer Sisters, "for work done during the war (as
head of Anzac Soldiers' Club in Paris), and in 1919-1920 as head of
American Red Cross Depôt and Canteen at Villers-Bretonneux, where
she helped a great many French soldiers, and rendered precious
service to the civilian population of the commune." The War Office
also conveyed thanks to Miss Rout "for gallant and distinguished
services in the field." "I have it in command from the King," wrote
the Secretary of State for War, on 1st March, 1919, "to record His
Majesty's high appreciation of the services rendered."

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