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Her Own Way - A Play in Four Acts by Clyde Fitch
page 2 of 186 (01%)
Set up and electrotyped. Published April, 1907.

All acting rights, both professional and amateur, are reserved by Clyde
Fitch. Performances forbidden and right of representation reserved.
Application for the right of performing this piece must be made to The
Macmillan Company. Any piracy or infringement will be prosecuted in
accordance with the penalties provided by the United States Statutes:--

"SEC. 4966.--Any person publicly performing or representing any dramatic
or musical composition, for which copyright has been obtained, without
the consent of the proprietor of the said dramatic or musical
composition, or his heirs or assigns, shall be liable for damages
therefor, such damages in all cases to be assessed at such sum, not less
than one hundred dollars for the first and fifty dollars for every
subsequent performance, as to the Court shall appear to be just. If the
unlawful performance and representation be wilful and for profit, such
person or persons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
be imprisoned for a period not exceeding one year."--U.S. REVISED
STATUTES, Title 60, Chap. 3.

Norwood Press
J.S. Cushing & Co.--Berwick & Smith Co.
Norwood, Mass., U.S.A.

Transcriber's Note: various printer's errors--typos and missing
punctuation--were corrected for this e-book.

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