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Critical & Historical Essays - Lectures delivered at Columbia University by Edward MacDowell
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Accents and marcato: denoted by > and ^ before a note.

Time signatures: [4/4], [6/8], etc.

[C] or [C/4] = C-shaped [4/4] time.
[C|] or [C/2] = C-shaped [2/2] time.
[O] = A circle
[O.] = A circle with a dot in the center
[C.] = A broken circle (C-shaped) with a dot in the center

[G:] = Treble clef ([G8:] = Treble clef 8va bassa)
[F:] = Bass clef ([F8:] = Bass clef 8va bassa)

Rhythms (A trailing . represents a dotted note):

[L] = Longa
[B] = Brevis
[S] = Semibrevis
[1] = Whole-note (Semibreve)
[2] = Half-note (Minim)
[4] = Quarter-note (Crotchet)
[8] = Eighth-note (Quaver)
[16] = Sixteenth-note (Semiquaver)

Lyrics and Labels: words aligned with the notes begin [W: ...]

Breves and macrons, used to denote short and long stresses in
poetry are denoted ['] and [-] respectively.

[|] = Bar (Bar line)
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