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The Workingman's Paradise - An Australian Labour Novel by John Maurice Miller
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love for the ideals that are lifting us upwards and with an earnest
endeavour to be themselves somewhat as they feel Humanity is struggling
to be.

All that any religion has been to the highest thoughts of any people
Socialism is, and more, to those who conceive it aright. Without blinding
us to our own weaknesses and wickednesses, without offering to us any
sophistry or cajoling us with any fallacy, it enthrones love above the
universe, gives us Hope for all who are downtrodden and restores to us
Faith in the eternal fitness of things. Socialism is indeed a
religion--demanding deeds as well as words. Not until professing
socialists understand this will the world at large see Socialism as it
really is.

If this book assists the Union Prisoners assistance Fund in any way or if
it brings to a single man or woman a clearer conception of the Religion of
Socialism it will have done its work. Should it fail to do either it will
not be because the Cause is bad, for the cause is great enough to rise
above the weakness of those who serve it.




CHAPTER I. Why Nellie Shows Ned Round.
CHAPTER II. Sweating In The Sydney Slums.
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