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The Water Supply of the El Paso and Southwestern Railway from Carrizozo to Santa Rosa, N. Mex. - American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, No. 1170 by J. L. Campbell
page 2 of 38 (05%)
was obtained from wells ranging from 100 to 1,100 ft. in depth. On the
division served by the new supply, this well-water is of very bad
quality, as shown in Table 1.

After the most thorough practicable treatment, these waters were still
so bad that they caused violent foaming, low steam pressure, hard
scaling, rapid destruction of boiler tubes, high coal and water
consumption, extraordinary engine failures and repairs, small engine
mileage, low train tonnage, excessive overtime, and a demoralized train

[Footnote A: Presented at the meeting of May 4th, 1910.]


| Incrusting solids, in | Non-incrusting solids,
Station. | grains per gallon. | in grains per gallon.
Carrizozo | 31 | 7
Ancho | 14 | 14
Gallinas | 91 | 8
Varney | 180 | 14
Duran | 127 | 55
Tony | 115 | 11
Pastura | 141 | 6
Pintado | 81 | 9
Santa Rosa | 140 | 29
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