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The Story of the 6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry - France, April 1915-November 1918 by Unknown
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During one of the short periods of training in 1917, it was suggested
that lectures should be delivered to the troops on the history of their
battalions in France. Accordingly Capt. G. Kirkhouse, then Assistant
Adjutant, set to work to collect material for this purpose. Owing to
there being no officers, and very few men, who had served continuously
with the Battalion since April, 1915, the task was not easy, and it was
found impossible to complete the information in time for a lecture before
the Battalion returned to the line. The material was carefully preserved,
however, and was the only portion of the records which survived the
disaster of the 27th May, 1918. As soon as time permitted, the task was
continued, but owing to there being very few survivors of earlier days,
many details have probably escaped notice. Imperfect and incomplete as
the story is, however, it is hoped that the details related will serve to
recall other incidents, both pleasant and unpleasant, to those members of
the Battalion who have been fortunate enough to survive.

It is regretted that it has not been found practicable to include a
chapter on the inner life of the Battalion which centred round the
characters of some of its members. So many names occur to one's mind that
a chapter would be inadequate to mention all, and the exclusion of any
would have involved an invidious and unjustifiable selection.


_July, 1919._

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