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The Noble Spanish Soldier by Thomas Dekker
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states that the play is written by 'S.R.', the only Jacobean
playwright with those initials being Samuel Rowley.

(2) It has been observed, initially by nineteenth century scholar A.
H. Bullen, that three sections of a play by John Day called 'The
Parliament of Bees' are nearly identical to sections of NSS.
Furthermore a further five sections correspond closely to parts of
'The Wonder of a Kingdom' which as is noted above, was registered
alongside NSS in 1931.

(3) In 1601, theatre manager Philip Henslow made part payment for an
anonymous play called 'The Spanish Fig', no text of which survives
under that name.

(4) In April 1624 a poster appeared in Norwich advertising a touring
play, being 'An excellent Comedy called The Spanish Contract' to be
performed by Lady Elizabeth's men, a company with which Dekker is
believed to have had connections.

(5) There is some evidence of confusion in how the play has been
compiled for printing, in particular, a cast list which omits several
significant characters, the late appearance of two pointless
characters (Signor No and Juanna) and the delayed identification of
Alanzo as Captain of the Guard. These have been argued to be evidence
of revision of an earlier work.

(6) Dekker's 'The Welsh Embassador' reworked much of the material in
NSS, albeit in a comedic form. This is generally dated as c1623.

As may be imagined, these facts offer a considerable range of
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