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The Great Red Frog by Sidney Ransom
page 3 of 7 (42%)


So the false King sat on the throne and grew up to be very bad and ugly,
because he was always afraid the real King would return. He heard of
the wonderful King of the Frogs, who carried off cattle on his back,
and every time he saw a Frog he shivered all over.


He was going to marry the Princess of Sumwareruther, and they expected
her day after day, but she did not come. At last they became quite
anxious, when one morning a little Blue Dwarf arrived at the Palace.
He was quite breathless.


His name was Omolo, and he told the King that when he and the young
Princess (he was the Princess's page) were about twenty miles from the
Palace, a Great Red Frog suddenly confronted them, put the soldiers to
flight, and carried off the Princess.

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