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1492 by Mary Johnston
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Study and study and study, year on year, and at last
image a great thing, just under the rim of the mind's ocean,
sending up for those who will look streamers above horizon,
streamers of colored and wonderful light! Study and reason
and with awe and delight take light from above. Dream
of good news for one and all, of life given depth and brought
into music, dream of giving the given, never holding it back,
which would be avarice and betraying! Write, and give
men and women to read what you have written, and believe
--poor Deluded!--that they also feel inner warmth and
light and rejoice.

Oh, gray the sea and gray the shore!

But some did feel it.

The Dominican, when it fell into his hands, called it
perdition. A Jewess for grandmother, and Don Pedro for
enemy. And now the Dominican--the Dominicans!

The Queen and the King made edict against the Jews, and
there sat the Inquisition.

I was--I am--Christian. It is a wide and deep and
high word. When you ask, "What is it--Christian?"
then must each of us answer as it is given to him to answer.
I and thou--and the True, the Universal Christ give us

To-day all Andalusia, all Castile and all Spain to me
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