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The Discipline of War - Nine Addresses on the Lessons of the War in Connection with Lent by John Hasloch Potter
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The war has introduced into countless lives new conditions, and has
strangely modified, or emphasised, those already existing. These
Addresses, prepared under much stress of other work, are intended to
supply, in very simple fashion, hints for conduct and points for thought
along the lines of our fresh or deepened responsibilities. An Appendix
gives a suggested subject and a passage of Scripture for each day during
Lent. May God the Holy Ghost, without Whom man's best labours are in
vain, bless this little book to its purpose. Please say a prayer for the
writer, who, as much as any, needs grace that he may try to practise
what he preaches.


The Conversion of St. Paul. 1915.


Kingston House,
Clapham Common.

_January 19th, 1915._

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