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Miss Dexie - A Romance of the Provinces by Stanford Eveleth
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The war between the North and South has sent a wail of grief into thousands
of homes throughout the land, and the dreadful death-roll is daily being
added to, for battle follows battle, and the slaughter is appalling, even
to those who have been hardened to the sight by months of action. No wonder
that the faces of wives and mothers are white with anguish--that fearful
death-list has carried desolation to their hearts, and others, just as
dear, are obeying the command, "Forward to Spotsylvania."

Men stop to discuss the situation at street-corners, or hurry to the
telegraph or newspaper offices for the latest news, their anxious faces
telling how their lives have been touched by this outbreak of strife.

Among those who pass along the streets of a New England town, is one whose
genial countenance attracts attention. He is above the average height,
strong and well proportioned, and his quick and energetic step and
wide-awake appearance proclaim him of New England birth.

As he nears a house in the suburbs, a shout of welcome greets him, and he
lifts his eyes and smiles upon a group of young faces in an upper window; a
moment more and the door is thrown open, and childish forms hurl themselves
upon him.

As soon as the children's noisy greeting was over, Mr. Sherwood entered
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