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A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco by King of England James I
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notwithstanding subiect, or at least naturally inclined to some sorts of
diseases, or infirmities: so is there no Common-wealth, or
Body-politicke, how well gouerned, or peaceable soeuer it bee, that
lackes the owne popular errors, and naturally enclined corruptions: and
therefore is it no wonder, although this our Countrey and Common-wealth,
though peaceable, though wealthy, though long flourishing in both, be
amongst the rest, subiect to the owne naturall infirmities. We are of
all Nations the people most louing and most reuerently obedient to our
Prince, yet are wee (as time has often borne witnesse) too easie to be
seduced to make Rebellion, vpon very slight grounds. Our fortunate and
off prooued valour in warres abroad, our heartie and reuerent obedience
to our Princes at home, hath bred vs a long, and a thrice happy peace:
Our Peace hath bred wealth: And Peace and wealth hath brought foorth a
generall sluggishnesse, which makes vs wallow in all sorts of idle
delights, and soft delicacies, The first seedes of the subuersion of all
great Monarchies. Our Cleargie are become negligent and lazie, our
Nobilitie and Gentrie prodigall, and solde to their priuate delights,
Our Lawyers couetous, our Common-people prodigall and curious; and
generally all sorts of people more carefull for their priuate ends, then
for their mother the Common-wealth. For remedie whereof, it is the Kings
(as the proper Phisician of his Politicke-body) to purge it of all those
diseases, by Medicines meete for the same: as by a certaine milde, and
yet iust form of gouernment, to maintaine the Publicke quietnesse, and
preuent all occasions of Commotion: by the example of his owne Person
and Court, to make vs all ashamed of our sluggish delicacie, and to
stirre vs up to the practise againe of all honest exercises, and
Martiall shadowes of VVarre; As likewise by his, and his Courts
moderatenesse in Apparell, to make vs ashamed of our prodigalitie: By
his quicke admonitions and carefull overseeing of the Cleargie to waken
them vp againe, to be more diligent in their Offices: By the sharpe
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