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Watch and Clock Escapements - A Complete Study in Theory and Practice of the Lever, Cylinder and Chronometer Escapements, Together with a Brief Account of the Origin and Evolution of the Escapement in Horology by Anonymous
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19th & Brown Sts., Philadelphia, U.S.A.


All Rights Reserved
Copyright, 1904, By B. Thorpe,
Publisher of the Keystone.


Especially notable among the achievements of The Keystone in the field
of horology were the three serials devoted to the lever, cylinder and
chronometer escapements. So highly valued were these serials when
published that on the completion of each we were importuned to republish
it in book form, but we deemed it advisable to postpone such publication
until the completion of all three, in order that the volume should be a
complete treatise on the several escapements in use in horology. The
recent completion of the third serial gave us the opportunity to
republish in book form, and the present volume is the result. We present
it to the trade and students of horology happy in the knowledge that its
contents have already received their approval. An interesting addition
to the book is the illustrated story of the escapements, from the first
crude conceptions to their present perfection.

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