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The Fifth Leicestershire - A Record Of The 1/5th Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment, - T.F., During The War, 1914-1919. by J.D. Hills
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This is scarcely the place to attempt an estimate of what the members of
our County Territorial Force Association, individually and collectively,
have done for the 5th Leicestershire Regiment. We would merely place
this on record, that there has ever been one keen feeling of brotherhood
uniting us all, from President or Chairman, to the latest joined recruit
or humblest member of the regiment, whether actively engaged on the
battlefield, or just as actively engaged at home. Never has the
Executive Committee failed us. And to Major C.M. Serjeantson, O.B.E., we
would offer a special tribute for his untiring work, wonderful powers of
organisation and grasp of detail, and hearty good fellowship at all

To the men of the regiment we hope that the incidents which we narrate
here will recall great times we spent together, and serve as a framework
on which to weave other stories too numerous for the short space of one



_Sept., 1919._


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