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The Vitalized School by Francis B. Pearson
page 2 of 263 (00%)
Copyright, 1917,
by the MacMillan Company.
Published February, 1917.
Reprinted January, 1918.


The thoughtful observer must have noted in the recent past many
indications of an awakened interest both in the concept of education and
in school procedure on the part of school officials, teachers, and the
public. Educators have been developing pedagogical principles that
strike their roots deep into the philosophy of life, and now their
pronouncements are invading the consciousness of people of all ranks and
causing them to realize more and more that the school process is an
integral part of the life process and not something detached from life.

The following pages constitute an attempt to interpret some of the
school processes in terms of life processes, and to suggest ways in
which these processes may be made identical.

It is hoped that teachers who may read these pages may find running
through them a strand of optimism that will give them increased faith in
their own powers, a larger hope for the future of the school, and an
access of zeal to press valiantly forward in their efforts to excel
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