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Amusing Trial in which a Yankee Lawyer Renders a Just Verdict by Anonymous
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"_Disguise thyself as thou wilt, still, slavery, thou art a bitter

His slave must to the meeting go,
If 'twas for nothing but a show.
They lived on thus for several years--
One would not think, that many tears
Would fall from off that shining face,
So sleek and smooth, or he would trace

[Illustration: NOTE.--_In some parts of the country, slaves are
scantily fed, while their masters live in luxury_.]

The chain which bound, or wish to break,
But choose to stay for his own sake,
Where he so well was clothed and fed,
And shared the lawyer's food and bed,
So well contented he might be,
He'd hardly know but he was free,

[Illustration: _Fetters formerly used by the slave traders, to confine
the ankles of their victims. The editor has seen some that were actually
used by Rhode Island traders._]

But make the fetters of pure gold.
They're hateful still, they gall, they hold,
And if the pill is sugared o'er,
'Tis still as bitter as before.
Cuff ponder'd much, but did not know,
If he his master left to go,
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