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A Jongleur Strayed - Verses on Love and Other Matters Sacred and Profane by Richard Le Gallienne
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Doubleday, Page & Company
Copyright, 1922, by
Doubleday, Page & Company
All Rights Reserved, Including That of Translation
into Foreign Languages, Including the Scandinavian
Printed in the United States
The Country Life Press, Garden City, N. Y.
First Edition


The writer desires to thank the editors of _The Atlantic Monthly,
Harper's, Life, Judge, Leslie's, Munsey's, Ainslee's, Snappy Stories,
Live Stories, The Cosmopolitan_, and _Collier's_ for their kind
permission to reprint the following verses.

He desires also to thank the editor of _The New York Evening Post_ for
the involuntary gift of a title.

The Catskills,

June, 1922.

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