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The Mystic Will - A Method of Developing and Strengthening the Faculties of the Mind, through the Awakened Will, by a Simple, Scientific Process Possible to Any Person of Ordinary Intelligence by Charles Godfrey Leland
page 4 of 134 (02%)
Faculties by the Will, etc. We think that Mr. Leland's admirers will
find no fault with this omission.

(2) The word "Suggestion" has been substituted for the word
"Hypnotism" in several places in the original text, where the
former word was manifestly proper according to the present views of
psychologists, which views were not so clearly defined when the book
was written.

(3) The chapter headings of the original book have been shortened and
simplified in accordance with the American form.

(4) The title "The Mystic Will" has been substituted in place of that
used in the original edition, which was "Have You a Strong Will?" This
change was made for the reason that the original title did not give
one the correct idea of the nature of the book, but rather conveyed
the idea of an inquiry regarding the "iron-will," etc., which the
author evidently did not intend. The use of the Will, as taught in the
book by Mr. Leland, is not along the lines of "the iron-will," but is
rather in the nature of the employment of a mystic, mysterious, and
almost weird power of the Human Will, and the title of the present
edition is thought to more correctly represent the nature of the book,
and the author's own idea, than the inquiry embodied in the title of
the original edition.

(5) Several unimportant footnotes, references to other books, etc.,
have been omitted after careful consideration.

(Those who would wish to read the book in its original English edition
will be able to procure it from the English publisher, Mr. Philip
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