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An Apologie for the Royal Party (1659); and A Panegyric to Charles the Second (1661) by John Evelyn
page 1 of 61 (01%)
{Transcriber's notes:

All material added by the transcriber is surrounded by braces {}.

The original has many inconsistent spellings. A few corrections have
been made for obvious typographical errors; they have been noted
individually at the end of the text. Some words are unclear; they have
also been noted.

The caret character (^) indicates that the remainder of the word is
superscripted. The word Tyranny (Tyrannie, Tyrannies) is sometimes spelled
with only one 'n', the other being denoted by a diacritical mark. The
spelling has been regularised to 'nn'.

The original contains some handwritten corrections and additions (see the
Introduction for details). They are represented [HW: like this].

Sidenotes are represented [SN: like this]. }

The Augustan Reprint Society

John Evelyn
_An Apologie for the Royal Party_ (1659); and
_A Panegyric to Charles the Second_ (1661)

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