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A Slave Girl's Story - Being an Autobiography of Kate Drumgoold. by Kate Drumgoold
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Some of the dear ones have gone to the better land, but this is one of
the answers to their prayers.

We, as the Negro Race, are a free people, and God be praised for it. We
as the Negro Race, need to feel proud of the race, and I for one do with
all my heart and soul and mind, knowing as I do, for I have labored for
the good of the race, that their children might be the bright and
shining lights. And we can see the progress that we are making in an
educational way in a short time, and I think that we should feel very
grateful to God and those who are trying to help us forward. God bless
such with their health, and heart full of that same love, that this
world can not give nor taketh away.

There are many doors that are shut to keep us back as a race, but some
are opened to us, and God be praised for those that are opened to the
race, and I hope that they will be true to their trust and be of the
greatest help to those that have given them a chance.

There are many that have lost their lives in the far South in trying to
get an education, but there are many that have done well, and we feel
like giving God all the praise.

I was born in Old Virginia, in or near the Valley, the other side of
Petersburg, of slave parents, and I can just call to mind the time when
the war began, for I was not troubled then about wars, as I was feeling
as free as any one could feel, for I was sought by all of the rich
whites of the neighborhood, as they all loved me, as noble whites will
love a child, like I was in those days, and they would send for me if I
should be at my play and have me to talk for them, and all of their
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