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American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics - Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann by S. S. (Samuel Simon) Schmucker
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Synods to adopt the doctrinal basis of the Platform. What we felt it a
duty to the church to publish on that subject, we have presented in the
Lutheran Observer. But the pamphlet of the Rev. Mann, entitled Plea for
the Augsburg Confession, having called in question the accuracy of some
of the interpretations of that Confession contained in the Definite
Synodical Platform, and affirmed the Scriptural truth of some of the
tenets there dissented from; it becomes a question of interest among us
as Lutherans, which representation is correct. For the points disputed
are those, on the ground of which the constitutions of the General
Synod and of her Seminary avow only a qualified assent to the Augsburg
Confession. In hope of contributing to the prevalence of truth, and the
interests of that kingdom of God which is based on it, the writer has
carefully re-examined the original documents, and herewith submits the
results to the friends of the General Synod and her basis. Since these
results as to the question, what do the symbols actually teach? are
deduced impartially, as must be admitted, from the original symbolical
books themselves, as illustrated by the writings of Luther, Melancthon,
and of the other Reformers of the same date; those who approve of those
books should so far sustain our work: and those who reject these tenets,
that is, the New School portion of the church, will not object to seeing
a vindication of the reason why they and the General Synod avow only a
qualified assent even to the Augsburg Confession, namely, because these
errors are there taught.

_The topics here discussed,_ are all such as are left free to individual
judgment, both by the Constitution of the General Synod, and that of her
Theological Seminary. Both explicitly bind to the Augsburg Confession,
only so far as the _fundamental_ doctrines, not of that confession, but
of the _Scriptures_ are concerned. A _fundamental_ doctrine of Scripture
is one that, is regarded by the great body of evangelical Christians as
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