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The Crucifixion of Philip Strong by Charles Monroe Sheldon
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Philip Strong could not decide what was best to do.

The postman that evening had brought him two letters and he had just
finished reading them. He sat with his hands clasped over his knee,
leaning back in his chair and looking out through his study window. He
was evidently thinking very hard and the two letters were the cause of

Finally he rose, went to his study door and called down the stairs,
"Sarah, I wish you would come up here. I want your help."

"All right, Philip, I'll be up in a minute," responded a voice from
below, and very soon the minister's wife came upstairs into her
husband's study.

"What's the matter?" she said, as she came into the room. "It must be
something very serious, for you don't call me up here unless you are in
great distress. You remember the last time you called me, you had shut
the tassel of your dressing-gown under the lid of your writing desk and
I had to cut you loose. You aren't fast anywhere now, are you?"

Philip smiled quaintly. "Yes, I am. I'm in a strait betwixt two. Let me
read these letters and you will see." So he began at once, and we will
copy the letters, omitting dates.



DEAR SIR:--At a meeting of the Milton Calvary Church, held last week, it
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