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The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs by William Morris
page 3 of 442 (00%)
_Sigurd getteth to him the horse that is called Greyfell_ 75

_Regin telleth Sigurd of his kindred, and of the Gold that was accursed
from ancient days_ 81

_Of the forging of the Sword that is called The Wrath of Sigurd_ 101

_Of Gripir's Foretelling_ 108

_Sigurd rideth to the Glittering Heath_ 115

_Sigurd slayeth Fafnir the Serpent_ 121

_Sigurd slayeth Regin the Master of Masters on the Glittering Heath_ 127

_How Sigurd took to him the Treasure of the Elf Andvari_ 132

_How Sigurd awoke Brynhild upon Hindfell_ 134



_Of the Dream of Gudrun the Daughter of Giuki_ 148

_How the folk of Lymdale met Sigurd the Volsung in the woodland_ 158

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