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The Schoolmaster by Roger Ascham
page 2 of 190 (01%)
An. 1570.


Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling
ouer Aldersgate.

Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis,
per Decennium.

[page intentionally blank]

To the honorable Sir William

Cecill Knight, principall Secretarie to

the Quenes most excellent Maiestie.

SOndry and reasonable be the causes why learned men haue vsed
to offer and dedicate such workes as they put abrode, to some
such personage as they thinke fittest, either in respect of abilitie of
defense, or skill for iugement, or priuate regard of kindenesse and
dutie. Euery one of those considerations, Syr, moue me of right to
offer this my late husbands
M. Aschams worke vnto you. For
well remembryng how much all good learnyng oweth vnto you for
defense therof, as the Vniuersitie of Cambrige, of which my said
late husband was a member, haue in chosing you their worthy
Chaunceller acknowledged, and how happily you haue spent your
time in such studies & caried the vse therof to the right ende, to
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