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A Declaration of the Causes, which mooved the chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the Riuer of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of c by Anonymous
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for the seruices of the King of Spaine, in
the ports and Prouinces within and about
the Sownde, the 30. day of Iune, in the
yeere of our Lord 1589. and of her
Maiesties raigne the 31._

Whereas it is a thing out of controuersie, that certaine Marchaunts
resiant and inhabiting within and neere vnto the _Sownde_ in the
kingdome of _Denmarke_, commonly called the Marchants of the _Hanse_
townes, wil grieuously exclaime among forreine Nations, against the
chiefe Commanders of the Fleete of the most excellent Queene of England,
as infringers of the law of Nations, and of the ancient contracts made
betwixt the Kings of England, and the _Hanse_ marchants, and as
contemners of the Newtralitie which the said _Hanse_ marchants doe
chalenge to themselues, whereby they thinke and hold it lawfull for them
to exercise the trafique of all marchandises whatsoeuer, with all people
whosoeuer, euen in the times of greatest hostilitie betweene whatsoeuer
kings and Princes, by reason of the intercepting & arresting of certaine
of their ships, passing to the ayde and furnishing of the king of Spaine
with corne, and prouisions of warre: it seemed good vnto her foresaid
excellent Maiestie, in respect of her good will, together with singular
affection and loue to the sacred Empire, the Emperours Maiestie
himselfe, the noble Princes of Germanie, and to all & singular the
Estates of the Empire, in this publike sort to make it manifest for what
causes the aforesaid _Hanse_ ships were stayed by the officers of her
Fleete, and as lawfull prises taken and confiscated. Which is done to no
other end or purpose, but to make it euident that the same action doth
stand & agree with equitie and iustice, and to be a thing most probable,
that other Princes whosoeuer, their seruants and Officers in the like
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