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The Ontario Readers: Fourth Book by Various
page 3 of 347 (00%)
Toronto, May, 1909.


_The Children's Song_ _Rudyard Kipling_
_Our Country_ _Alfred, Lord Tennyson_
Tom Tulliver at School _George Eliot_
_Ingratitude_ _William Shakespeare_
_The Giant_ _Charles Mackay_
The Discovery of America _William Robertson_
_The First Spring Day_ _Christina G. Rossetti_
The Battle of the Pipes _Robert Louis Stevenson_
_Bega_ _Marjorie L. C. Pickthall_
_A Musical Instrument_ _Elizabeth Barrett Browning_
Wolfe and Montcalm _Francis Parkman_
_Canada_ _Charles G. D. Roberts_
Scrooge's Christmas _Charles Dickens_
_Hands All Round_ _Alfred, Lord Tennyson_
Judah's Supplication to Joseph _Bible_
_Miriam's Song_ _Thomas Moore_
_The Destruction of Sennacherib_ _George Gordon, Lord Byron_
The Lark at the Diggings _Charles Reade_
_The Ancient Mariner_ _Samuel Taylor Coleridge_
At the Close of the French Period
in Canada _Charles G. D. Roberts_
_A Hymn of Empire_ _Frederick George Scott_
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