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Divine Comedy, Norton's Translation, Purgatory by Dante Alighieri
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The Divine Comedy, Volume 2, Purgatory [Purgatorio]

by Dante Aligheri

Translated by Charles Eliot Norton



CANTO I. Invocation to the Muses.--Dawn of Easter on the shore of
Purgatory.--The Four Stars.--Cato.--The cleansing of Dante from
the stains of Hell.

CANTO II. Sunrise.--The Poets on the shore.--Coming of a boat,
guided by an angel, bearing souls to Purgatory.--Their
landing.--Casella and his song.--Cato hurries the souls to the

CANTO III. Ante-Purgatory.--Souls of those who have died in
contumacy of the Church.--Manfred.

CANTO IV. Ante-Purgatory.--Ascent to a shelf of the
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