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Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon
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number of manuscripts in the preceding weeks, and the mere sight of
typescript was a burden to me. But before I had read five pages of
Martin Pippin, I had forgotten that it was a manuscript submitted
for my judgment. I had forgotten who I was and where I lived. I was
transported into a world of sunlight, of gay inconsequence, of
emotional surprise, a world of poetry, delight, and humor. And I
lived and took my joy in that rare world, until all too soon my
reading was done.

My most earnest wish is that there may be many minds and
imaginations among the American people who will be able to share
that pleasure with me. For every one who finds delight in this book
I can claim as a kindred spirit.
J. D. Beresford.


Prologue--Part I
Part II
Part III
Prelude to the First Tale
The First Tale: The King's Barn
First Interlude
The Second Tale: Young Gerard
Second Interlude
The Third Tale: The Mill of Dreams
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